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 Uso fuyoyuki... a person in the dark

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3 posters
Uso fuyoyuki
Academy Student
Academy Student

Number of posts : 12
Registration date : 2008-06-03

Uso fuyoyuki... a person in the dark Empty
PostSubject: Uso fuyoyuki... a person in the dark   Uso fuyoyuki... a person in the dark Icon_minitimeThu Jun 05, 2008 3:59 pm

Name:Uso Fuyoyuki (meaning:lies of the winter snow)

Age: 15



Ninja Rank:missing ninja. because his own parents are rouges.

Clan:Fuyoyuki clan. a clan that can change their atoms at will. but only at a cost.

Looks:(see pic) he has his blank headbank over his eyes and has color changing hair.

Personality:quiet. never can tell whether he is sleeping or awake. mostly trips on occasion and has a carefree act except when someone tries to pry into his life. then he shuts down and naps.

Special Characteristics:white chakra. can feel atoms in the air and undo peoples bodily systems but only if he touches them. he avoids that as much as possible. he wears gloves and covers most of his body besides his hair. can also make people tell the truth if he touches them.

Elements:water, earth

Skills/Specialties: ninjutsu, medical jutsu

Jutsus:black eye, shadow of darkness, white lies of the night, stings of pain, heart of redemtion, arrow of truth, the willow of hope

History/Background Story: his mother murders her family, his father his. the mother came from the mist as an anbu black ops but quit. the father from the sound. his background unknown. he inherited his mothers family line instead of fathers and put under imeadate training. he didnt mind, he was built for pain and hatred. but never showed it. always showed an intrest in strategy and tecnology instead of fighting. but because of that he was thrown into the rain village.

Roleplay Sample: " is your wounds?" mumbled Uso. he looked tense but everyone knew after his consience was releived he would either fall off the tree or fall asleep and fall off the tree. still asleep when he hits the bottom.
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Number of posts : 162
Age : 30
Location : The Undying poet tree
Registration date : 2008-04-24

Character sheet
Hit Points:
Uso fuyoyuki... a person in the dark Left_bar_bleue1000000/1000000Uso fuyoyuki... a person in the dark Empty_bar_bleue  (1000000/1000000)
Uso fuyoyuki... a person in the dark Left_bar_bleue1000000/1000000Uso fuyoyuki... a person in the dark Empty_bar_bleue  (1000000/1000000)

Uso fuyoyuki... a person in the dark Empty
PostSubject: Re: Uso fuyoyuki... a person in the dark   Uso fuyoyuki... a person in the dark Icon_minitimeSun Jun 15, 2008 2:09 pm

i'll approve it soon,and nice biography
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Madara Uchiha

Number of posts : 77
Registration date : 2008-05-02

Character sheet
Hit Points:
Uso fuyoyuki... a person in the dark Left_bar_bleue100/100Uso fuyoyuki... a person in the dark Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)
Uso fuyoyuki... a person in the dark Left_bar_bleue150/150Uso fuyoyuki... a person in the dark Empty_bar_bleue  (150/150)

Uso fuyoyuki... a person in the dark Empty
PostSubject: Re: Uso fuyoyuki... a person in the dark   Uso fuyoyuki... a person in the dark Icon_minitimeMon Jun 16, 2008 5:46 am

Why does this site suck now
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Number of posts : 162
Age : 30
Location : The Undying poet tree
Registration date : 2008-04-24

Character sheet
Hit Points:
Uso fuyoyuki... a person in the dark Left_bar_bleue1000000/1000000Uso fuyoyuki... a person in the dark Empty_bar_bleue  (1000000/1000000)
Uso fuyoyuki... a person in the dark Left_bar_bleue1000000/1000000Uso fuyoyuki... a person in the dark Empty_bar_bleue  (1000000/1000000)

Uso fuyoyuki... a person in the dark Empty
PostSubject: Re: Uso fuyoyuki... a person in the dark   Uso fuyoyuki... a person in the dark Icon_minitimeMon Jun 16, 2008 10:08 am

iunno...i got exams and iunno where lakstick is.....
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Uso fuyoyuki
Academy Student
Academy Student

Number of posts : 12
Registration date : 2008-06-03

Uso fuyoyuki... a person in the dark Empty
PostSubject: Re: Uso fuyoyuki... a person in the dark   Uso fuyoyuki... a person in the dark Icon_minitimeMon Jun 16, 2008 11:06 am

thnk u
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Madara Uchiha

Number of posts : 77
Registration date : 2008-05-02

Character sheet
Hit Points:
Uso fuyoyuki... a person in the dark Left_bar_bleue100/100Uso fuyoyuki... a person in the dark Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)
Uso fuyoyuki... a person in the dark Left_bar_bleue150/150Uso fuyoyuki... a person in the dark Empty_bar_bleue  (150/150)

Uso fuyoyuki... a person in the dark Empty
PostSubject: Re: Uso fuyoyuki... a person in the dark   Uso fuyoyuki... a person in the dark Icon_minitimeMon Jun 16, 2008 11:08 am

i think he gave up can i be admin or atleast akatsuki
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Uso fuyoyuki... a person in the dark Empty
PostSubject: Re: Uso fuyoyuki... a person in the dark   Uso fuyoyuki... a person in the dark Icon_minitime

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