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 Lorence(Deathdarken's character)

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2 posters
Clan Leader
Clan Leader

Number of posts : 62
Age : 35
Location : In the confinds of my mind
Registration date : 2008-04-20

Character sheet
Hit Points:
Lorence(Deathdarken's character) Left_bar_bleue25000/25000Lorence(Deathdarken's character) Empty_bar_bleue  (25000/25000)
Lorence(Deathdarken's character) Left_bar_bleue27000/27000Lorence(Deathdarken's character) Empty_bar_bleue  (27000/27000)

Lorence(Deathdarken's character) Empty
PostSubject: Lorence(Deathdarken's character)   Lorence(Deathdarken's character) Icon_minitimeSat May 03, 2008 7:38 am

Name:Lorence (the last name of the clan I;m wanting to create still waiting)


Gender: Male

Village:Chigakure ( village hidden in the bloods)(if it is still approved)

Ninja Rank:Academy Student(until other told other I talk to someone)

Clan:(still waiting approval)

Looks:Lorence(Deathdarken's character) 20f744

Personality:(before the accident) a very outgoing person that loved people and always wanted to help his fellow villagers

(after the accident)Very serious about his goals(see History for more details) A concerned leader that wants the best for his clan members

Special Characteristics:is very good with medical jutus and his family's blood style

Elements:, Water and Wind)

Skills/Specialties: Medical as Main and Taijutsu as secondary (medical is how he is able to do his blood jutus) and he uses his knowledge of the human body when he fights)

Jutsus:Uses only the blood jutus of his clan (note I have a large list of at least 15 to 20 jutus ranging from weak to very strong I will post them to get approved soon(I have a lot to do on here)(its know as the blood style)

History/Background Story:Lorence's starts about 7 months ago while learning the blood style (a style only his clan members can learn) he ended up using a devastating amount of power and killed many people from his village( a very far away village)(note once more are created I will specific about what village this happened in ) once the aftermath Lorence found that he had killed his mother, father and many other respected villagers. The leaders of the village were outraged by the slaughtering of so many and forced the remaining members of the clan from their village Lorence being the eldest of the of the remaining members took it as his responsible to lead his clan back to greatness and restore the honor of his once respected clan.

Roleplay Sample:Looking down at at the village that was once his home, Lorence lead the remaining members of his village away to find a new place to call home(this is sorta of a what will happen once we start)
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Number of posts : 162
Age : 30
Location : The Undying poet tree
Registration date : 2008-04-24

Character sheet
Hit Points:
Lorence(Deathdarken's character) Left_bar_bleue1000000/1000000Lorence(Deathdarken's character) Empty_bar_bleue  (1000000/1000000)
Lorence(Deathdarken's character) Left_bar_bleue1000000/1000000Lorence(Deathdarken's character) Empty_bar_bleue  (1000000/1000000)

Lorence(Deathdarken's character) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lorence(Deathdarken's character)   Lorence(Deathdarken's character) Icon_minitimeSat May 03, 2008 9:42 am

very good,your approved
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Lorence(Deathdarken's character)
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