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 Jamaru ensho

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Academy Student
Academy Student

Number of posts : 1
Registration date : 2016-02-27

Jamaru ensho Empty
PostSubject: Jamaru ensho   Jamaru ensho Icon_minitimeSat Feb 27, 2016 10:23 pm

Name: Jamaru



Village: Sunagakure

Ninja Rank: Sunagakure

Clan: Enshō

Looks: 5'10, athletic build, wide shoulders, black hair gets lighter at the to, mixed skin

Personality: relaxed, hyper, silly

Special Characteristics:
as power of ten eyed god

Elements: fire, wind

Skills/Specialties: ninjutsu, weaponry

body flicker
Solar mist
Extreme steaming murder
Steam bullets
Fervor tentacles
Aspect of ten eyed god
Shield of ten eyed god
Fist of ten eyed god
Glass forge
Forrest of mirrors
Breath of the earth
Scorch clones
Wind tunnel
Wind arrow
Great fire annihilation
great fire destruction
Great fireball
Coop technique: guaruda

History/Background story: genin at age 10, chunin at age 13, discovered ability of shukaton at age 14. After he spent a day of solitude in cave of ten eyed god outside of Sunagakure: after he was able to become stronger with aid of the ten eyed god. Became anbu at age 15

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